War in Ukraine. The horrors of war by Kyiv

9 March 2022
Divine service in the Vladimir Cathedral Patriarchal Cathedral, in Kyiv
Kyiv, Ukraine: 9 March, 2022 - Divine service in the Vladimir Cathedral Patriarchal Cathedral, in Kyiv
— Photo by Fotoreserg
Concert Free Sky on Maidan Nezalezhnosti in Kyiv
Kyiv, Ukraine: 9 March, 2022 - Concert "Free Sky" on Maidan Nezalezhnosti in Kyiv
— Photo by Fotoreserg
Anti-tank hedgehogs on Maidan Nezalezhnosti in Kyiv
Kyiv, Ukraine: 9 March, 2022 - Anti-tank hedgehogs on Maidan Nezalezhnosti, in Kyiv
— Photo by Fotoreserg